
Showing posts from July, 2023

puzzle #2: themeless

I'm back with another puzzle, this time a themeless! Thank you to all who played my first one! I just got a new laptop which I desperately needed, and this was the first puzzle I constructed on it. For this one I decided to write (hopefully) fun clues. 1A was my starting point :) Enjoy! .puz pdf

puzzle #1!

Hellllloooooo!!! Welcome to Ryan Judge(')s Crosswords (in this case with the apostrophe)!!!  I'm finally populating this erenow empty blog, fresh off of having a blast and finishing 8th at the Boswords summer tournament, with my first offering, a puzzle that has been twice rejected (in retrospect, I completely understand why). I made this one back in January, and I'm keeping the clues exactly the same as they were originally, which is to say not very lively or whatever; I've been working on improving my cluing since then. .puz pdf