puzzle #1!

Hellllloooooo!!! Welcome to Ryan Judge(')s Crosswords (in this case with the apostrophe)!!! 

I'm finally populating this erenow empty blog, fresh off of having a blast and finishing 8th at the Boswords summer tournament, with my first offering, a puzzle that has been twice rejected (in retrospect, I completely understand why). I made this one back in January, and I'm keeping the clues exactly the same as they were originally, which is to say not very lively or whatever; I've been working on improving my cluing since then.




  1. We also liked it! My wife went out of her way to say "That was a good theme, very tidy"


  2. Hey Ryan,

    I run the Redstone Crossword Puzzle app for iOS and Android. I'd love to showcase your puzzles and pay for them. They don't need to be exclusive to my app, and we can include ones you've previously published on your website.

    I'm collaborating with well-known constructors like Brendan Emmett Quigley, Will Nediger, and more. Check out the app here:
    iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/app/apple-store/id957848865?mt=8
    Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mobi.redstonegames.crossword.en

    Interested? Let me know for more details!

    1. Hi Eduardo, I am interested and I'd love to contribute! You can email me at rjjudge4@gmail.com. Thanks!


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